Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dive deep taking the name of Kali

A popular Bengali devotional song which would be sung by Sri Ramakrishna in the company of his devotees:

Taking the name of Kāli, dive deep down, 
O mind, Into the heart's fathomless depths, 
Where many a precious gem lies hid.  
But never believe the bed of the ocean bare of gems 
If in the first few dives you fail; 
With firm resolve and self-control 
Dive deep and make your way to Mother Kāli's realm. 

Down in the ocean depths of heavenly Wisdom lie 
The wondrous pearls of Peace, O mind; 
And you yourself can gather them, 
If you but have pure love and follow the scriptures' rule.  
Within those ocean depths, as well, 
Six alligators, lurk - lust, anger, and the rest -
Swimming about in search of prey.  
Smear yourself with the turmeric of discrimination; 
The very smell of it will shield you from their jaws.
Upon the ocean bed lie strewn 
Unnumbered pearls and precious gems; 
Plunge in, says Ramprasad, and gather up handfuls there!

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Chapter 4

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