Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life is like....

...a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use. -Charles M. Schultz opinion; you peel off one layer at s time, and sometimes you weep. Carl Sandburg
...a big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can - Danny Kaye


Anonymous said...

Life is like a tree whose top can be compared to the end stage of our lives. We cross through so many stages in our lives , stages can be compared to the leaves. The hurdles we face in our lives may be compared to the dried branches or the thorns which hurt us while we traverse through the tree starting from the ground and then moving ahead. The fruits of a tree can be compared to the fruits which we get from god as a result of our good deeds and efforts. By Ms. Verma

Anonymous said...

Life is like a sea which has got so much depth that if a person knows its depth then he or she can be a good learner but if a person never tries to know its depth then it becomes very difficult for him or her to be a successful learner, thinker and a trainer. By Ms.Verma

Vineet T Rasaily said...

thanks a lot for sharing your views. God bless you madam.