Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Welcome Prosperity in Your Life

"Learn to get what you really want
and love the things you already have"

You can not create prosperity by thinking or talking about your lack of money.  Focussing on what you lack, simply attracts more lack. Remember it is one of the principle Laws of Attraction that what we focus on grows. If we focus on what we lack, we simply attract more of the same. However, if we focus our thoughts and attention on the positive, like being grateful for the things we already have, then we will attract more of what we want. In fact gratitude is one of the keys to achieving real prosperity.

What is Prosperity

Prosperity means different things to different people, for some it is monetary and material things, for others it is spiritual and emotional issues. True prosperity comes from achieving balance at all levels, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. I believe true prosperity is having your innermost needs and desires met at all levels  and being able to fully enjoy them. Prosperity is something you experience in your mind and thoughts, it is not an external state and it is therefore quite possible to experience prosperity at any level of income.

Prosperity is an internal experience, not an external state

Instead of thinking about the money, just close your eyes for a moment and think of the things you most want in your life, on all levels, write them down if you want. For you, true prosperity would be to have all those things and to be able to fully enjoy them.  We need to discover, at our deepest and most honest level,what we want for ourselves.

Our relationship with Money

We often start out trying to get money to achieve a desired goal, but as time goes by the money becomes the goal and the dream is left forgotten.

"when money becomes the goal, the dream is left forgotten"

Not everyone is destined or even well suited to having vast amounts of money, but I do believe everyone deserves to, and can be prosperous. Money empowers us to obtain and do things in our physical world, but if some of your inner most needs and desires are things that money can't buy, then no amount of money is going to make you feel prosperous. In fact large amounts of money often brings unexpected problems, making life more complicated, increasing your financial responsibilities and demanding a higher level of financial management, that you might not want. Did you know that after two years, most lottery winners have lost  nearly all the money they received, with nothing to show for it and are often worse off financially? The problem with any windfall like this is that it rarely solves any problems. If you have not resolved the negative internal beliefs you hold about money or yourself, then often when you receive such a windfall, subconsciously you simply don't believe you deserve it. And with such a negative belief. the subconscious gets busy correcting the situation until you have the amount of money you believe you deserve.
What are your beliefs about money? How did your parents feel about it and what did they teach you? It is worth taking a moment to really think about this, write things down if you want to. It is a fact that many of our negative beliefs come from our childhoods and if you received messages like, "Money is really hard to come by" or  "blood, sweat and tears is the only way to get rich", these are very negative thoughts. They are effectively negative affirmations that you will continue to achieve, until you identify them, let them go and replace them with a positive affirmation.
If you are experiencing financial or debt problems please finish this page and then visit this site for advice on managing money, getting out of debt and getting the right mortgage.

Attracting unlimited Abundance

Our world is infinitely abundant and we all deserve our share of that abundance, all we have to do is be prepared to accept it. However the reality is that at a subconscious level many of us simply do not believe that we deserve the prosperity that we seek. This often manifests from other underlying issues such as low self-esteem, fearfulness, guilt or any number of other negative beliefs. In order to achieve true prosperity, it is necessary to identify and release these underlying negative beliefs. Remember our external reality mirrors our internal beliefs, how we think the world is for us becomes our reality. By changing your inner thinking you can change your external reality.
changing your inner thinking, can change
your external reality

Prosperity Action List

Here are some key actions you can do to bring unlimited abundance into your life..

Identify what your core needs and desires are

This is where you must really take the time to get to know your authentic self. Use "quiet time" and meditation to help you clarify what is really important to you and why. Knowing what you seek, is half the way to actually achieving it.

Identify any blocks to your deservability

As you say your affirmations, or when you think around money, it is likely that you may experience negative reactions. If you say something positive, but inside your thinking NOT! then you know that there is an issue there that must have further attention. Once you have identified a block, spend time re-examining your beliefs and experiences around it, try to identify trigger events or influences. Ask yourself if these beliefs are really true for you, now. When you are ready just release those negative thoughts.

Sometimes, if you have identified a serious block, that has a strong emotional impact on you, or is based on some trauma in the past, it is best to seek a therapist or councillor to help you through your issue, so that you can let it go and move on to your prosperity.

Identify your true beliefs about money

Such beliefs usually but not always come from childhood. What are your beliefs about money? Also, think about the things your parents taught you about money when you were growing up. What feelings about money did you experience. Write everything down. Then examine if these beliefs are actually true for you now. If they are negative, you must re-examine the belief and release it, replacing it with a positive, prosperous thought.

Affirmations for your prosperity

Here is a great one by Louise Hay to get you started. Once a day, stand with your arms wide open and say with joy...

"I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe, Thank you, Life."

Remember, everything you say and think is an affirmation. Be aware of your words and your thoughts, keep them positive. Acknowledge and release any negative thoughts that come up.

Become truly honest

What ever you take from life, life will take from you. You must avoid any form of dis-honesty. This can actually be really hard, because I don't just mean the obvious things, but also little things, like not being honest with your change if the sales assistant has made a mistake, or borrowing little items from the office. Or maybe you stealing time or relationships or respect from others. All these things count, its like saying to yourself... I don't deserve the good  in life, so I'll sneak around and take it.


Thinking negatively about the things you want is what is called "poverty thinking". To achieve your prosperity you must release this thinking. Instead, start "Prosperity Thinking". Look around in your life, everywhere you will find both big and little things to be grateful for, people you know, little events that put a smile on your face, your children, money you receive.... our lives are full of abundance already, but often we choose to ignore it. You will never attract more abundance into your life if you disregard what you already have. So every day set just a small amount of time aside to think about and be grateful for all the good things you already have in your life, by cherishing and focussing on the good things you have, you will attract even more into your life. It is simple but true.

Start Now!

You only have power now. Choose to start implementing your Prosperity Action List Now! Change can be difficult... even frightening to some. So we have put together some free resources that you can use to get you started as well as some low cost products to support and assist in your process of change.

Affirmations for Prosperity

Learn more about the positive power of affirmations and other supporting techniques in our affirmations page. But to help you get started here are a couple more positive affirmations designed to help with prosperity, especially for you.

"I am honest and open with myself and others"
"I love life and accept my abundance unconditionally"
Check out this video link on You Tube: 

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